
tyrrells chips


An evening of innovative food infused with Tyrrells chips, live tweeting, games and meeting with bloggers.

There’s some new chip flavours in town! Sweet Potato & Smoked Chili (my fave), Beetroot, Parsnip & Potato with Sea Salt & Sweet Potato, Carrot with Sea Salt.

[Tweet “Tyrrells chips are all natural, home grown & hand cooked! #Foodie”]

I’ve never been to the RASA restaurant before this event so it was nice to scope it out. Located at 196 Robert St it’s a small dark space in the same neighborhood where I went to high school.(Harbord) On the menu were appetizers infused with Tyrrells chips. YUM. These appetizers are great easy ideas next time you’re entertaining people at home. 

rasa restaurant

Exhibit A: Fish & Chips – Deep fried Halibut, tartar, crispy capers, served with Tyrrells Sweet Potato, Carrot with Sea Salt chips. 

fish and chips

Exhibit B: Lamb Neck – with hummus, feta tabbouleh, pickled jicama and tzatziki, served on top Tyrrells Beetroot, Parsnip & Potato Sea Salt chips

Exhibit C: Tuna Tartare – Yellowfin Tun, yuzu chili aioli, apple slaw and ponzu glaze served on top of a Tyrrells Beetroot, Parsnip & Potato Sea Salt chip

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Other apps include: Mini Muffins, Steak Sliders,Truffle Arancini & The Chopped Salad.

tyrrells chips

Getting caught up in the digital world is so easy. Making online friends (followers) is easy, but being in the present and meeting your online friends in the flesh is important but not as easy. At least not for me since I have the habit of getting so caught up with capturing the event for the blog, live tweeting, snapchatting etc. On that note It was refreshing to stop and acknowledge these lovely bloggers at the event: M Fab, @dee_sik & a familiar face @zamlos!

Toronto bloggers

To conclude the evening here’s my OOTN (outfit of the night)

harbord toronto
we wood watch
harbord toronto
harbord toronto
harbord toronto
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friday favesNote: This Friday Faves is dedicated to faves around the web. 

Fave food story

I’ve been seeing this story pop on different sites all week! (Esquire, Cosmo) As it is I’ve been craving Chipotle for so long and I haven’t fulfilled that craving yet. Probably because the closest Chipotle near my home is about 10km away. Not that far, but far enough for me to contemplate whether to go or not. Hmph. Anyways, this guy-Andrew Hawryluk, ate Chipotle for 153 days and had nothing but great stuff to say about the results of doing that.


Fave recipe

The way I love my tea, London fog. Now I can have my cookies like that too. Thanks to this recipe I found on the web:


Fave tweet

Got a suitcase full of these chips😍 this week! As you know I love BBQ (see twitter profile) and when I saw their new flavour,  BBQ..  You can imagine the excitement soaring through me! Yes,  food can have that effect on me. These chips are made from the finest, carefully selected potato varieties in the county of Herefordshire England. Classy chipping. They also have no artificial ingredients,  gluten free and vegan friendly. 

tyrrells chips
Craving some Tyrrells? (Loblaws, Wal Mart etc has them)


Fave song this week


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