
spicy eggs


This is the best spicy eggs breakfast recipe I’ve tried so far! This Kejriwal Style – Indian Breakfast is really filling and full of flavour. Making breakfast has become my specialty in our household. I was on a roll with breakfast under the sweet and tangy categories but I didn’t really master the spicy realm. So I did a little research and found this really awesome recipe with a story attached to it. As you know I love a good story! And with some tweaks to the recipe it became a favourite very quickly! I’ve been sharing this in my Instagram stories a lot and many of you have asked for the recipe so due to popular demand, here it is:

spicy eggs recipe spicy breakfast with 2 toasts 1 or 2 eggs


The quick version of the story is there was a man in the 1960s, Mr. Kejriwal. He was a regular at the Willingdon Sports Club. He requested for ‘spicy eggs’ and other members of the club were intrigued when they would peek over at what he was eating. It didn’t take long for the club to add it to their menu and call it ‘Kejriwal Eggs’.


kejriwal spicy eggs breakfast


4 slices of brioche bread
I use brioche because it absorbs well and gives a bit of sweetness to this recipe. However, some use sourdough or whole wheat.

3 egg yolks or whole eggs (used for the mix)
3-4 eggs to fry
2 diced roma tomatoes
1-2 cups of cheddar cheese grated
Depending on how cheesy you want it, add more.

1/4 whipping cream or buttermilk if you want it to be really spicy. Whipping cream is sweeter.
1 tablespoon of melted butter
2 teaspoon of cumin
(you can do 1 tsp, I double up because we love cumin and I found this is the key ingredient for flavour)

1 teaspoon of chilli powder
Coriander (as you wish – I sprinkle some on top at the end sometimes)
Spring Onion (I use a lot at the end and sometimes some in the mix)
Sliced Chillis (I don’t use more than 1 otherwise I think it gets too spicy. This tastes better when the cumin isn’t overpowered by spice)
Chilli flakes


  1. Mix together the 3 egg yolks. diced tomatoes, cheddar cheese, Whipping cream, cumin and chilli powder. Combine well and set aside until ready for the oven.
  2. Lightly toast the bread first. Put toast on aluminum foil and now the mix on top of each slice. Toast again for 5 minutes or however long it takes for the cheese to melt.
  3. Fry the remaining eggs. Don’t fry completely, just enough so that the yolk spreads when cut. Add the fried eggs to the toast and garnish with green onions, chilli flakes, coriander and/or green chillis.
When it’s ready to go into the oven/toaster oven it’ll look like this. Cook to your desire. I usually just toast it in the
toaster oven until the cheese is golden brown.

Let me know if you make these kejriwal spicy eggs breakfast!

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