

Blouse: Aritzia – Pants: Zara

Dear Diary,

I wish I had kept a real-time diary of the first day I actually started to feel like a “blogger”. What does that even mean? Like, I guess getting a bunch of stuff in the mail, having a handful of video and photo equipment, when I actually got paid for my work/hobby… these are just some of the things that made me feel like: “okay, this is my title.”

Let me first say, “Hi, welcome to my Toronto Blogger Chronicles diary.” Just a messy free form of me writing out my thoughts, as raw as it can be. So if I have any grammatical errors here, and if it grinds your gears, let me know in the comments below and I’ll make sure to edit it, just for you Mr/Mrs Fancy Pants.

So my first blogger event that I went to was actually in 2017. This was a big year for me. It was my second maternity leave and it was a lot easier than the first one. I knew what was up and I was able to focus A LOT on my blogging -career. Yeah, I think I’ll call it my career now. It feels a little weird to say that though because I think of it more as a hobby. Let’s put a pin on what to call it. It’ll come to me.

blogger wittner shoes
Rose Gold Heels – Wittner Canada
Purse – Prada

The first handful of events, I would go to and converse with a few people and then leave as soon as possible because my all-time shyness would kick in. Believe it or not, I’m not a social person, with strangers. But if I’m in my comfort zone with my friends, I’d like to think I’m super social. But I’ll let my friends tell you that.

Toronto Blogger Chronicles [Day 1] – First
Blogger Brunch

The game changer for my shyness was when I went to a bloggers brunch. It was at a place I was really looking forward to going, but I knew no one there. Oh, and I was also pregnant. Very pregnant. I stepped into this place and to my surprise, there were two extremely friendly bloggers who signaled for me to come over to them. I got super nervous because I knew who they were. The “popular bloggers”.  They introduced themselves confidently and immersed me into their “popular circle” by introducing me to their friends and then we even sat together and made jokes and conversation as if we knew each other for years. So you can imagine, I was sitting there, hearts in my eyes, thinking, wow. God bless you guys. I also made a mental note, that if I were to ever get to that point in my blogging career journey, then I would never change how kind, real and friendly I was. Talk to everyone, not get cliquey. Which now takes me to some of the other experiences I had in 2017.


The blogger world can sometimes feel like you’re back in high school. I’m not kidding! There are some bloggers who really think highly of themselves when they have a certain amount of followers or sponsorships or if they’re managed by someone. But let’s get real, we all started somewhere and there should be a lot of humble pie being passed around. At all times. It’s not hard to see who those people are. You can tell even by how they engage with others online-

1. They watch all of your stories, all the time and don’t ever like or comment on your posts
2. At events, they give you the silent treatment as if they don’t know you at all.
3. They only start to talk to you when you’re on the same campaign together
4. They only message you to ask you how you got a collaboration or what PR you’re working with


…and if you see them at an event and you say hi or even try to introduce yourself they may give you a quick hi and an odd look but quickly enthrall themselves into their clique. But that doesn’t bother me. It actually is a great indication of whether this person is really who they say they are online. Ugh, but the bittersweet part for me is even if they decide to change and be nice, I’ll be there with open arms.

I started to think, maybe these bloggers are afraid to open up. Maybe they’re super shy, just as I was. I always give everyone the benefit of doubt. It’s just so much easier and happier to do that than to think negatively of someone.  Anywho, I’ve got some cleaning to do, and I’m starting with the kitchen. So until next time. Toodles! 🙂

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toronto blogger diary

I’ve been blogging for 3 years and my first social media platform (among the popular ones these days) was go figure, YouTube! The first video I ever uploaded was actually of my first kitten, falling off my desk. It was an accident and I happened to get it on camera. I want to also add that I was young and did not think she would fall off the table.

*no judge zone*

I started blogging a lot more regularly on my first maternity leave. Now that I’m on my second maternity leave, blogging has been what has kept me sane. Getting back into work mode, to come back out of it in less than 2 years can really do a toll on you. Especially mentally. So this time around I’ve been partnering, collaborating and really getting to know the business side of the blogging world. However, this doesn’t mean I say yes to everything that comes my way. There are have been many collaboration requests that I’ve turned down, due to them not matching my lifestyle, ethics or simply I can’t relate to the product or service and know for sure I would not like it. Also, if by chance I’m wrong with a collaboration and the product or service is not what I expected, I explain to the brand why and I don’t write about it. After all, not worth my time. But there was that time when I had that experience at a cafe where I wasn’t allowed to bring my stroller in and wrote about it. Hmm. So i guess it depends. It’s all in the writing. You choose whether you want to be civil and positive or get nasty. But remember, your writing, is your voice online.


Everyday I’m learning something new, meeting new people and of course doing the mom thing at the same time.

Wearing a Mockberg watch with a mesh band


It’s not as glamorous as it seems. It’s a lot of work. Blogging is more than a nice Instagram picture and a 200+
word blog post. You’ve gotta be passionate about what you do. Without passion, one day you’ll wake up and not want to do it anymore. I’ve seen many blogs just die off after a few years. I use to wonder, what happened? Why did you stop? But really, it could be anything. No more drive, never really loved writing or simply was in it for the money and realized that doesn’t just show up without putting in the work.

Think of it this way, when a book is written. How do you think the author starts? They brainstorm. They imagine the characters. A rough story line. They write their thoughts out. Then comes the first draft. Second, third and maybe fourth draft. Someone reads it. Critiques it. Spell check. A million more spell checks. A rough copy is printed. Do you want it to be an e-book, hard copy, soft copy etc. Okay, my point is… there is SO much work that goes into blogging before you can really feel like it’s “working”.  The day I started not caring about that stuff and went back to why I really started blogging, it was all smooth sailing from there. Do it for the love of writing, helping people, teaching, photography and kick ass content creation. This is your project it. OWN IT.

So what does a day in maternity life and blogging look like?

Bloggers: Writers, Photographers and Ultimate Content Creators



6 – 7 AM : I’ve never in my life woken up so early until now. I guess two children will do that to you? I nurse my baby and most of the time she falls back asleep. I take some time to catch up to emails, message, social media and then wake up my toddler for breakfast.

8 – 10 AM: I drop off the little guy to daycare and then from there is when our day really starts for me and baby z. Sometimes we go grocery shopping, downtown for blogging events or to see my mom, or straight back home to get started on house chores or writing up my next blog post.

12 PM: LUNCH – Usually homemade if I don’t have plans or haven’t been busy running errands. #momlife

canadian blogger


1 – 5 PM: Between these hours is when I really get busy with blogging. Unless I’m nursing, at an event or seeing friends. I also get some exercise during these hours. If I miss the window to exercise then I wait till later in the evening. Either go for a family walk in the neighborhood or laps inside the house.

First steps in blogging:

Always start with notes for your blog post. Then a draft. Proof read as many times as you can. Take a day or two away from it and then look at it again. (Fact: This post was written in a totally different angle and was changed a few hours before being posted.) Then post! I find one of the biggest advantages to nursing my baby is sometimes I have a hand free to write my notes or first drafts. 

I try to keep a schedule but because babies and life is so unpredictable, it doesn’t always turn out that way. Sometimes I’m writing like a maniac at 1 AM. I’ve always enjoyed writing and so there is never a good time or a bad time to write. I just do it. So for those who are just starting off, my advice to you is to just do it. That is if you enjoy writing. If you don’t that could be a whole other struggle and I’ll save those tips for another blog post.

For the bloggers: Next time you tell someone you’re a blogger, remember everything you do to be a kick ass blogger. Whether you organize photo shoots with photographers, take your own pictures, partnerships, collaborations, editing, writing… you’re the whole works!

For the readers: Blog posts take time and in our writing there is a story, a voice or a message. When you take the time to read my blog posts I am extremely grateful towards you. You took the time to read it, allow me to thank you and to recognize who you are. Leave me a comment on social media, on the blog or even a private message.

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