netflix stream team

I’m so excited to announce that I’ll be partnering up with Netflix and will be a part of their Stream Team. So you might be wondering what is the Stream Team exactly? It is a group of families who know a thing or two about great entertainment. Every month I’ll be sharing what my family has been watching on Netflix, tips and suggestions. I’m over the moon grateful for this opportunity, especially because it’s a brand I can genuinely relate too. When we first started watching Netflix in our household it was only for Baby D. The kids section has all of his favourite shows and some new ones that he started to love. And now we each have our own faves and movies that we watch as a family.

netflix magic school bus

Nostalgia with Netflix

Story time: Back in elementary school I remember coming home for lunch and watching magic school bus. Or was it after school? It was so long ago I can’t remember, but what I do remember is how much I learnt from that show. It was like going to science class but so much more fun. Episodes where they take field trips into the digestive system, flying into space and so much more.

netflix magic school bus

To this day I remember some of my favourite characters names; Ralphie, Phoebie, Arnold and of course Mrs. Frizzle. When they stopped making new episodes I was so sad. Seriously, I’ll never be too old for cartoons. So when I recently found out that Magic School Bus was coming back today, I was ecstatic! I can’t wait to watch it with baby D. He’s 2 and a half and obsessed with his school bus toy.

netflix magic school bus

If you’ve never watched this show before and you love cartoons, grab some popcorn and get ready for some educational, fun episodes. Who knows, you might learn something you never knew! P.S There’s a Netflix Nuit Blanche exhibit called The Red Forest, downtown tomorrow. Check out my Instagram stories to see all of the fun! #NetflixRedForest

Walking path between University Avenue and Osgoode Lane
*Under the Court House/Osgoode Rotunda

hum jk blogger


  1. nida monis

    This collaboration is a dream!! And I put the school bus 🚌 for my daughter and she loves it.

  2. I can remember watching magic school bus with my little brother! amazing read thanks for the nostalgia!

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